
1. Benny Hinn
Aanklager Granel

2. Ouweneel
Aanklager Geelhoed

3. Rick Warren
Aanklager Geelhoed

4. TB Joshua
Aanklager vd Ven
  Laatste Nieuws
  Recensie Medema
  Recensie Smouter
  Boek    Ouweneel
  Getuigenissen NL

5. Joseph Prince
Aanklager BttB

6. Goedgelovig

7 Andrew Wommack
Aanklagers: Jos&Regina

- Alverzoening
   - Eeuwig?
   - Vagevuur?
   - Geloof?
- Besnijdenis christenen
- Bevrijdingspastoraat
   - Bevrijding
- Genezing
   - Ziek van het zoeken

- Handoplegging
- Homoseksualiteit
- Jehovah's Getuigen
- Opwekkingsbundel
- Preterisme
- Vallen in de Geest
- Welvaartsevangelie
   - Welvaart in het OT
   - Zaaien en oogsten

- Henk Bakker
- David Pawson

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Nieuws en Links over T.B. Joshua

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Belangrijke links:
De Nederlandse website voor reizen naar de Synagogue Church in Lagos, Nigeria is
Harry Sleijster was in 2007 in The Synagogue Church. Lees zijn verslag...
Veel meer informatie op www.vergadering.nu/links-genezing.htm 

En sinds kort is er: The TB Joshua Fanclub...
en een Nieuwssite Distance in not a barrier...
en tevens een weblog met getuigenissen: www.tbjoshuatestimonies.wordpress.com

Abonneer je op de Youtube-kanalen van:
ChristLove... + TBJOSHUAFANSUK + Momisi2
Klik op Abonneer en kies vervolgens voor Stuur mij updates

Veel video's van genezingen in Lagos...

Het laatste nieuws

T.B. Joshua bezoekt Zuid-Sudan om de vrede te bevorderen

LOS ANGELES, 26 januari 2016 / PRNewswire / - President Salva Kiir Mayardit heeft TB Joshuaformeel uitgenodigd voor een bezoek aan de kand aan de zeekust, Zuid-Soedan. Sinds 2013 wer Zuid-Soedan geplaagd door een tekort aan voedsel voor haar bijna 4 miljoen inwoners, plus nog eens naar schatting een 2 miljoen burgers die zijn ontheemd. Dit strijdende land is berucht vanwege de massamoorden en gewelddadige groepsverkrachtingen en ontvoeringen van vrouwen en meisjes als oorlogsstrategie. Zelfs UN Peace Keepers hebben consequent aanvallen, itimidaties en arrestaties gemeld toen ze nog gestationeerd waren in het land.

T.B. Joshua, een internationale televangelist, besprak op afgelopen oudejaarsavond zijn 2016 Nieuwjaars Profetieën op Emmanuel TV (één van Afrika's meest bekeken christelijke netwerken), en zei tevens: "Ik moedig de regeringen van alle landen aan om te investeren in landbouw en om leningen toe te kennen aan verdienstelijke burgers om deze inspanningen te vergroten. Er zal op grote schaal schaarste en tekort aan voedsel zijn. Als staat, land en continent moeten we terug naar de boerderij om de ontstane situatie onder ogen te zien en te verlichten."

T.B. Joshua heeft de uitnodiging van president Mayardit geaccepteerd en zal met alle betrokken partijen bidden om te helpen rust in de natie te brengen. Sinds T.B. Joshua en zijn kerk-organisatie, de Synagoge Church of All Nations bekend staat om zijn internationale humanitaire initiatieven, is profeet TB Joshua van plan humanitaire hulp aan het land te bieden en evenals zijn geestelijke steun te geven.

T.B. Joshua is in Zuid-Sudan vandaag en is van plan te blijven tot 27 januari 2016.


Waar is de Negeriaanse Profeet T.B. Joshua?

27 juli 2015 - door Ihechukwu Njoku, verslaggever

Afgelopen zondag 26 juli waren het 12 opeenvolgende weken van afwezigheid van de Nigeriaanse 'profeet' T.B. Joshua. De langdurige publieke afwezigheid verhoogt niet alleen de bezorgdheid onder zijn volgelingen, maar is ook zeer schadelijk voor lokale bedrijfsleven in het gebied waar zijn kerk ligt.

De laatste keer dat Joshua in het openbaarwerd gezien, was bijna drie maanden geleden op een 'Miracle Crusade' in Mexico-stad, die werd bijgewoond door meer dan 150.000 gelovigen.
Echter, sinds zijn terugkeer naar Nigeria, is de geestelijke, wat zeer ongewoon is, niet verschenen in een kerkdienst in de Synagoge Church of All Nations (SCOAN), die allemaal live worden uitgezonden op de christelijke televisiezender 'Emmanuel TV'.
Op 7 juni 2015 gaf Joshua een verklaring op Facebook: "Ik kwam terug van de opwekkingsreis vorige week zaterdag, en wachtte op Gods bevel over wat te doen. Ik kan niet wachten om mee te doen."
Echter, na bijna twee maanden langs de lijn, waarbij er de omstreden conclusie kwam van een onderzoek van de lijkschouwer over de tragische instorting van een guesthouse in zijn kerk vorig jaar, er is niets anders dan stilte.
Afgelopen zondag 26 juli waren het 12 opeenvolgende weken van afwezigheid.
Het is de eerste keer in meer dan 25 jaar van de bediening dat T.B. Joshua een kerkdienst miste, behoudens dan buitenlandse bedieningen, en zijn arrestatie en 2 weken opsluiting door de Nationale Drug Law Enforcement Agency (NDLEA) over een aanklacht van drugshandel in 1996, die later werd geseponeerd.
Een verslag in Nigeria's 'Sunday Guardian' vermelde de economische effecten van Joshua's 'verdwijning', in combinatie met de inkrimping van de kerkdiensten vanwege het gebouw dat instortte vorig jaar, op de lokale omgeving.
"Als je hier nu op zondag komt, vind je veel winkels gesloten. Er zijn geen zaken meer," klaagde een winkeleigenaar op de straat in de buurt van de kerk tegen The Guardian verslaggever. Het welzijn van de meeste bedrijven in het gebied zijn verbonden met de rijkdom van de kerk.
"Als je er nu kijkt naar (Ikotun-Egbe) en je ziet de markt, dan zul je beseffen hoe slecht de dingen zijn geworden. Als je het eerder zag, in deze tijd, zou je veel mensen zien, buitenlanders die komen en gaan ... Zelfs die hotels - de medewerkers huilen omdat er geen mensen meer komen "
"Ik denk dat alle verslaggevers eens moeten samenkomen en met deze man praten om te zien wat er gebeurt", zei een Nigeriaanse taxi-bestuurder boos tegen The Guardian.
"De programma's zijn volledig gestopt. Buitenlanders zien hem zelfs niet meer op de Live-TV. Als ze hem gewoon weer zien op tv in de zondagse diensten, dan zullen ze komen. Velen kochten hun tickets. Maar er is geen Prayer Line meer geweest," vervolgde hij.
"We wachten gewoon en bidden tot God om hem de programma's opnieuw te laten opstarten. Het bittere feit is dat er niets is dat kan worden gedaan om zaken op dit gebied te bevorderen. Zonder buitenlanders die komen en hun middelen inbrengen, is er niets, vrijwel helemaal niets anders om op terug te vallen."

Een moslim stofhandelaar in de regio, mevrouw Eyitayo, verklaarde echter dat de zich ontwikkelende gebeurtenissen een 'vergelding' waren voor de zelfzuchtige capriolen van de lokale huiseigenaren, die veel huurders eruit gezet hebben om geld te verdienen door populariteit van de kerk en door hun huizen om te zetten in hotels.
"De man (TB Joshua) doet veel goed, maar sommige mensen doen slecht vanwege het geld dat ze zien. Wanneer je huurders uitzet, en ze hebben geen plek om te gaan, zullen sommige van hen gaan roepen tot God. Dit is gebeurd en zal hen laten weten dat er een God is."
Eyitayo dacht terug aan de tijd dat ze regelmatig nieuwe kleren bestelde in Dubai, wanneer bezoekers, vooral buitenlanders, massaal naar het gebied stroomden om te aanbidden in de kerk.
"Als je hier twee jaar geleden kwam, zou je denken dat je in het buitenland was, omdat we verhandeld in dollars," verklaarde zij, terwijl ze de recente daling in de fortuinen de regio's betreurde.
Engr. KY Aminu, eigenaar van Kaywy Lodge, een hotel langs Segun-Irefinstraat nabij de SCOAN, gaf toe dat zijn klanten momenteel halve prijs betaalden.
"De business is niks," klaagde hij. "Ik ben gedeeltelijk gesloten. De 10 kamers hier verbouwen we," legde hij uit, eraan toevoegend dat hij werd gedwongen om zijn personeel te verminderen als gevolg van het onvermogen om hun loon te betalen.
Volgens het verslag in The Guardian voelen zelfs internationale luchtvaartmaatschappijen de gevolgen, nu een van Nigeria's belangrijkste toeristische bestemmingen een griezelig 'droge' fase meemaakt.
Joshua's aanhangers geloven dat de pastor in een periode van vasten en gebed is', maar de oproep aan hem om opnieuw te verschijnen neemt zeker toe, zo blijkt uit verschillende verzoeken op Facebook-pagina van de geestelijke.
"Ik weet dat als hij uiteindelijk weer uitstapt, het met een explosie van profetisch vuur" zal zijn, vertelde een winkelier in de buurt van de kerk in Lagos optimistisch de Guardian verslaggever, in de hoop dat Joshua's uiteindelijke hernieuwde opkomst de afnemende lokale economie zal doen herleven.
Ihechukwu Njoku is een Nigeriaanse freelance journalist
Geciteerd uit de Sunday Guardian - www.ngrguardiannews.com...

Van 2011 - mei 2015 kunt u de belangrijkste links vinden op www.vergadering.nu/links-genezing.htm


Wie is T.B. Joshua's Mentor?
Ihechukwu Njoku

Veel vragen zijn gesteld over de mentor van T.B. Joshua.
     Welk standpunt men ook heeft ingenomen over de geloofwaardigheid van T.B. Joshua, de beroemde (of beruchte?) pastor van The Synagogue Church Of All Nations in Lagos in Nigeria - één feit staat onbetwistbaar vast: zijn ongelooflijke levensreis, doorspekt met raadselen, welke in het verleden is opgeschreven.
     Joshua is verreweg de meest belasterde pastor in Afrika, maar nochtans het meest in trek. Hij is de hoop van menigeen en tegelijkertijd de hoofdpijn van religieuze personen die hem heftig hebben verstoten, maar toch niet kunnen doen alsof hij er niet is. Het is een levendig drama, dat over de gehele wereld wordt aanschouwd, terwijl bij voortduring verhandelingen over waarheid en authenticiteit worden bekend gemaakt. Maar wat is er nu eigenlijk met T.B. Joshua aan de hand, dat zo'n openlijke aanklacht en verwerping door zijn medearbeiders in de wijngaard teweeg heeft gebracht? 
     Zie hier het nauwkeurige onderzoek van de openlijke grauwen en grieven van de pinksterleiders in Nigeria tegen het raadsel en de persoonlijkheid van profeet T.B. Joshua. Hoog op de lijst prijkt de kwestie van zijn mentorschap....
Lees verder...


Nov. 2009: Interview met Benny Hinn op Emmanuel.tv ..

BENNY HINN's MESSAGE TO TB JOSHUA: ...Pastor, keep up the good work and preach the Gospel like you do so powerfully and teach God's precious Word and I would love to someday meet you and fellowship with you. You know, we men of God need to come together and I would most certainly accept an invitation from Pastor Joshua to come to Nigeria. I've been to that country of course a number of times when I used to come preach for Benson Idahosa and I've preached for other great men of course, and we've had our own crusade there in Lagos but with pleasure, of course. Thank you, thank you. I pray the Lord will keep using you and blessing you, dear Pastor Joshua and may the Lord anoint you BIG TIME in Jesus' name. Amen.... Meer...

19 september 2009 - www.theghanaianjournal.com...

Golden Eaglets striker Sani Shehu Emmanuel rose from the depths of obscurity to worldwide recognition when he came off the bench to score five goals and helped his team to second place at the just concluded U-17 World Cup.
In this interview with MIKE NDIDI, Emmanuel narrates his story from the squalor of a one-room apartment to life as an altar boy in Prophet T.B Joshua’s church and now, on the verge of a major breakthrough in professional football.
He regrets the death of his mother but remains grateful to the Synagogue Church of All Nations where he has found home and is desperate to help other kids out of poverty as soon as he makes it big in his chosen career.

15 september 2009
A prophet who prophesied the death of Michael Jackson

THERE has been so much controversy surrounding Nigerian prophet TB Joshua, a man renowned world over yet most vilified over for his miracle healing services and predictions. The controversies have been raging ever since TB Joshua's ministry stormed into the public domain bringing into question the legitimacy of his works. In talking about legitimacy, I am referring to the standards as set forth in the scriptures, which would help us, identify a genuine prophet. Who then is TB Joshua?

TB Joshua whose full names are Temitope Balogun Joshua was born on June 12, 1963, in a village called Arigidi, in Ikare Akoko, Ondo State of Nigeria. He is married to Evelyn and has four children. TB Joshua, the founder and pastor of the Synagogue Church of All Nations is said to have sparked controversy starting with his mysterious birth. He allegedly remained in his mother's womb for 15 months before he was born. He attended primary school at St Steven Anglican school from 1971-1977, but failed to complete one year of secondary school. But as he was growing up, he was known as a “small pastor” because of his love for the Bible and ability to predict things to come in his community. He further gained reputation for spiritual prowess after confronting and disarming a madman who was wielding a machete in the school premises. While in school he was the leader of a scripture union.

When Joshua started the Synagogue Church of All Nations in 1987, he just had a handful of members but since then the church has grown far beyond the shores of Nigeria. More than 15,000 members attend the weekly Sunday service. Numerous videos have been produced documenting the healing of incurable sickness, cancer, paralysis, AIDS, showing people's conditions before, during and after prayer. Medical doctors have examined the patients before and after and have testified to a supernatural activity beyond medical science. TB Joshua does not even claim to be healer but says, “I am just God's servant”.....
Read more... [link verwijderd]

28 Aug. 2009 Een nieuwe Nieuwssite: Distance is not a barrier...

17-7-2009 - The TB Joshua Fanclub.wordpress.com
Meeting Ghana President Mills and US President Barack Obama
Obama’s Speech That Cut To The Heart
by thetbjoshuafanclub

President Barack Obama’s recent visit to Ghana continues to ignite interest in the thriving West-African country, with various reasons given as the source of their commendable success in a continent fraught with corruption and electoral violence. Some point to President Mills relationship wtih Prophet TB Joshua as a veritable factor in the Ghanaian success story…

Also read: Ghana’s new president returns to Synagogue. (January 11, 2009)

29-6-2009 - Modern Ghana Com
T.B. Joshua voorspelde de dood van Michael Jackson
By Africa News
De profetische reputatie van voorganger T.B. Joshua bereikte een nieuw hoogtepunt met zijn recente onthulling dat hij de plotselinge dood van een verafgode popster Michael Jackson had voorspeld. 

Schok en sympathie gaan nog steeds de wereld over sinds het nieuws van donderdag 25 juni dat Michael Jackson is overleden. De onbetwiste “Koning van de Pop” was plotseling gestorven nadat hij ingestort was in zijn appartement in Los Angeles. Maar zijn dood was al maanden eerder voorspelt door de populaire Nigeriaanse profeet T.B. Joshua. 

In januari van dit jaar profeteerde Joshua tijdens een van zijn beroemde zondagdiensten die live uitgezonden worden op Emmanuel TV: “Ik zie een grote ster waar de wereld naar roept, 'hey hey hey'. Op zijn eigen gebied is hij beroemd, hij is overal bekend. Hij is groot – te groot… Ik zie dat er iets gaat gebeuren met die ster en hierdoor kan het zijn dat hij zijn bagage pakt en op een enkele reis gaat…”

Een maand later verklaarde hij dat de persoon waar het om gaat niet uit zijn locale omgeving komt en ‘te jong is om uit ons midden te vertrekken’ - en roept de gemeenteleden en de kijkers wereldwijd op om serieus te bidden voor deze ‘grote ster’.

Hoewel sommige mensen zijn woorden te algemeen vinden om ze aan de legendarische showman toe te schrijven, laat de verklaring op zondag 28 juni 2009 van Tee Mac Omatshola Iseli, de beroemde fluitist en zakenpartner van Marlon Jackson en goede vriend van de familie Jackson, niets heel van zulke twijfels. Joshua wist heel duidelijk over wie hij het had.

In een verdrietige stemming sprak Tee Mac live tot het televisiepubliek van Emmanuel TV. Hij getuigde dat Profeet T.B. Joshua hem verteld had Michael Jackson te waarschuwen voor een aanstaande gezondheidscrisis en hem uit te nodigen om Nigeria te bezoeken voor genezing.

“De man van God (T.B. Joshua) riep mij in zijn kantoor en zei me: ‘Alstublieft, vertel uw vriend Marlon om Michael naar Nigeria te brengen. Michael heeft genezing nodig; hij heeft bevrijding nodig’. Ik vertelde de man van God dat Michael Jackson net een medische check had gehad omdat hij binnenkort ongeveer 50 concerten gaat geven. Maar de man van God zei me: ‘Breng Michael hier, hij heeft genezing nodig.’”

Toen het tragische nieuws uitkwam, “wat toen meteen in mijn gedachten kwam, was dat de man van God verteld had dat er iets zou gaan gebeuren”, herinnert Tee Mac zich. Duidelijk berouwvol klaagt hij dat als hij de boodschap serieuzer had genomen en volhardend had gehandeld“, Michael Jackson vandaag misschien nog had geleefd…”

Gebruikmakend van de gelegenheid om na te denken over het leven, vroeg T.B. Joshua het publiek in een oprechte boodschap: “Als vandaag uw laatste dag op aarde was, waarin zouden de mensen u dan herinneren? Wat zouden generaties die nog niet geboren zijn over u lezen?” Hij stimuleerde de mensen om elke dag te leven alsof het hun laatste zou zijn, en de last van onnodige zorgen en ongerustheid te vermijden. “Laten wij onze zorgen van morgen overlaten aan Degene die onze zorgen aan het kruis heeft gedragen” merkte hij op.

Naast het spreken over wereldgebeurtenissen profeteert Joshua regelmatig met griezelige nauwkeurigheid tot individuele personen die naar zijn bloeiende kerk in Lagos toestromen. Zijn recente profetieën bevatten ook de dood van de voormalig president van Zuid Korea, het vliegtuigongeluk van 13 februari in New York, en de bevrijding van Ingrid Betancourt uit de Colombiaanse jungle vorig jaar. 

Zijn bediening trekt een groeiend aantal fanatieke aanhangers, voornamelijk uit Afrika, en veel Afrikaanse leiders zoals John Evans Atta Mills van Ghana bezoeken regelmatig zijn kerk voor geestelijke ondersteuning en leiding.

Bron: Africa News... [link is verwijderd]

     Dit artikel is de vertaling van:
Prophet TB Joshua Predicted The Death Of Michael Jackson
By Africa News 

The prophetic reputation of Pastor TB Joshua attained new heights with the recent revelation that he foretold the sudden death of the iconic pop legend, Michael Jackson…


13 June 2009 - www.modernghana.com/...tb-joshuas-encounter-with-mko-abiola.html
INTERVIEW: TB Joshua's encounter with M.K.O. Abiola
June 12th will ever be printed in the minds of so many Nigerians as the day that politics and democracy was beaten by rivalry, jealousy and opinion. It's all about a man, known as M.K.O. Abiola who won the election hands down, but never spent one day as the president. In 1992, M.K.O. met a strange man, known as T.B. Joshua who prophesied the outcome of the coming presidential election...  Read more...

12-6-2009 - Vandaag 46e verjaardag TB Joshua

8 June 2009 - http://mypeoplefc.wordpress.com/2009/06/08/who-is-t-b-joshua/
By mpfcobserver
Categories: Introductions 
A little history…
  Who Is T.B. Joshua?

  T.B. Joshua is a humanitarian, philanthropist, who, sincerely to be said, is one who spends less on himself and more on others. He has the interest and welfare of others in mind more than himself. This is very clear to see upon a brief assessment of his ministry and activities.
     He is the pastor of The Synagogue, Church Of All Nations situated in the suburb of Ikotun Egbe in the outskirts of cosmopolitan Lagos, Nigeria. The SCOAN is a growing ministry that is attracting attention nationally and internationally. What makes T.B. Joshua a topic of much conversation in all spheres is reports of the happenings at The SCOAN, which include miraculous healing, deliverance and accurate prophetic messages. Certainly a justifiable cause for stir, debate and deliberation…
     Check out the church website www.scoan.org and the website for his 24 hour tv station Emmanuel TV www.emmanuel.tv.
     A major part of the ministry of T.B. Joshua and The SCOAN is supporting the needy and less privileged. Those benefiting include widows, widowers, orphans, students, little people, the elderly and the youth. My People FC is just a small part of the charitable activities of TB Joshua and the Emmanuel TV Team.
     To be continued…

1 June 2009 - www.modernghana.com/news...
By David Meshioye - Lagos, Nigeria
 - Nigeria News


He is the founder of The Synagogue Church Of All Nations, and an unlikely guest on a football pitch. Yet Pastor TB Joshua created a surprise of some sort when he floated a soccer team recently. Complete Sports Saturday's DAVID MESHIOYE in this interview tries to unravel the reason behind this, from the benevolent man of God. 

What actually prompted your interest in sports, particularly football?

You know, as a believer, you must use all proper means to help our youths in this country. They are the ones who feel the pain of the poor economy today. It is important to use sports to stop our youths engaging in social vices.....

17 May 2009 - www.sunnewsonline.com... - Confessions of ‘Prof’ Okeakpu
I’m the biggest occult master 
‘Think evil of me and die’
By Jossy Idam

A creature out of this world, a weird man in white suit appeared in a church in Lagos. An early morning rain and chill amplified his spooky presence. Bearded like Nebuchadnezzar and dressed in tailcoat like Don Juan and an English gentry, Professor Chukwudi Nathan Okeakpu sneaked into The Synagogue Church of All Nations in the Ikotun area of Lagos and tried to blow up the place but failed. The self-styled "professor", occult master, astrologer extraordinaire, grand anti-Christ and Satan’s deputy got converted instead. Pitted before a superior force, he buckled and begged for forgiveness. After seeing the light, he confessed his sordid existence...

 6 April 2009 - Newswatch
Life in the Occult World
Written by Chris Ajaero 

Samenvatting: Professor Okakpu, een occulte grootmeester, vertelt het verhaal van zijn leven in de duistere occulte wereld waartoe hij 32 jaar behoorde. En hij vertelt van zijn bevrijding in de Synagogue Church.
Enkele jaren geleden was hij in een trance toen de Heilige Geest aan hem verscheen en vroeg waarom hij de geheime krachten verkoos om als een satanisch medium te dienen.
De laatste 17 jaar at hij nauwelijks gezond voedsel en raakte in steeds slechtere conditie, maar zelfs zijn mysterieuze krachten konden hem niet meer genezen. Toen besloot hij bevrijding te zoeken in de kerk van T.B. Joshua. Op zondag 22 maart bezocht hij kerk en werd op slag bevrijd. Hij dankte Jezus en beloofde Hem te dienen. Hij eet weer en heeft op aanwijzing van T.B. Joshua een week later zijn occulte instrumenten meegebracht. Hij beloofde al zijn volgelingen van zijn bevrijding door Jezus te gaan vertellen.

Video: Bevrijding en getuigenis van prof. Okakpu...

Life in the Occult World

Chukwudi Nathan Okakpu, an occult grandmaster, tells the story of his life in an occult world from where he operated for 32 years

For 32 years, Chukwudi Nathan Okakpu, an occult grandmaster from Ogbeakpu Osile, Ogbunike in Oyi Local Government Area of Anambra State, wielded immense mystical powers. From his mystic base and shrine called Arobinagu Igwedo located in Ogbeakpu Osile, Okakpu used astral projections to influence human affairs both negatively and positively. But that is now history.

He told Newswatch that as a great occultist, he had a lot of adherents and used his mystic base to endorse the Antichrist. But a few years ago, he was in a trance where the Holy Spirit appeared to him and asked him why he chose to use mystical powers to serve as a satanic agent. Besides, as an occultist, Okakpu was constantly into astrological dry fasting to retain his mystical powers and this got his intestines entangled. Consequently, for 17 years, he found it difficult to eat solid food and this affected his health.

Worried by the deteriorating condition of his health which his mystic powers could not cure and the frequent appearance of the Holy Spirit in his dreams, Okakpu decided to seek deliverance from the kingdom of darkness. He was then directed in the spirit to go to the Synagogue Church of All Nations, Ikotun, Lagos so that he would be delivered by T.B. Joshua, general overseer of the church. On Sunday, March 22, Okakpu visited the Synagogue as directed in the spirit where he was delivered by Joshua. Since his deliverance, he now eats almost seven times daily.

After his deliverance, he was instructed by Joshua to go to his mystic base in Ogbeakpu Osile to bring all the mystical objects he had used for occultic practices including two black and red garments, one mystical rope, a red mystical crown and a magnetic pot. He complied. Accompanied by evangelists of the Synagogue Church of All Nations, Okakpu went to the mystic base where he discovered that the mystical snakes he kept there had strangely disappeared after his deliverance. 

However, he still found intact the garments, rope, crown, and pot which he brought to the church on Sunday, March 29. He came into the church with the mystical objects wearing long beard and decked in the full regalia of an occult grandmaster. He then made confessional statements concerning how he had functioned as an occult grandmaster in the past 32 years.

He claimed that he belongs to the highest grade of occultists known as the extraordinary and the power he had is beyond human explanation. He said: “It is inborn. I started early in life to practise as a spiritualist... I am gifted with both positive and negative powers. I have used the power positively to make a lot of people become great in life. I have produced governors, top military officers, politicians and wealthy businessmen.”

 5 April 2009 - The SundaySun - Untold story of a mystery Prophet T.B. Joshua
By Mike Awoyinfa & Dimgba Igwe
Sunday, April 5, 2009

Samenvatting: Dit is de nog niet eerder vertelde geschiedenis van T.B. Joshua met vele onthullingen over zijn familie, geboorte, jeugd en opvoeding. Daarna vervolgt hij met zijn opleidingen en zijn roeping, toen hij voor het eerst Gods stem hoorde in zijn hart. 

Prophet T. B. (Temitope Balogun) Joshua needs no introduction. Everybody has his or her reason for liking or hating the controversial founder of The Synagogue, Church Of All Nations, a Christian religion with a growing fanatical following. T.B. Joshua, the religious leader whom many evangelical church leaders would not want to be associated with, because they believe he should not be in the fold of real born again Christians. 

Of recent, Prophet Joshua has been the butt of renunciations and denunciations by some leading men of God in Nigeria, who questioned his authority and his authenticity as a man of God. Without any doubt, Joshua is an enigma wrapped in controversy. And it was our desire to unwrap this enigma that took us to The Synagogue, tucked away around the Ejigbo and Egbe axis of Lagos. 

There we found a huge, unique Cathedral, the type that has not been seen anywhere in the world. Even the legendary King Solomon would marvel at this Temple of God, built by Nigerians, “under the inspiration of God” as we were told. 
On our journey of discovery, our family members and even our colleagues were worried about our going to interview T.B. Joshua. So much was their worry that they had to fast and support us with prayers and spiritual “casting and binding.” To them, it was like entering a spiritual lion’s den. But we were not deterred. After all, journalism is all about adventure. It is about venturing into the unknown and to report it.

There to welcome us at The Synagogue on Wednesday last week was a Briton, who serves as the church’s public relations officer. There were so many white faces everywhere, giving backing to the claim that it is an international church. The young man took us on an excursion inside the church that looked like a huge Roman amphitheatre with pews, carpets, altar and audio-visual facilities that combine to give a colourful and mystical ambience to the church. We visited the church’s Emmanuel TV studio, which broadcasts religious programmes around the world. There were all kinds of studio - for recording and making CDs, audio studios and photo studios. In every studio you saw workers behind computers busy editing films or whatever. 

After the tour, we were made to watch a short documentary featuring the newly elected President of Ghana paying tribute to God and to T.B. Joshua for helping him to win the election in Ghana. For 30 minutes or more, we watched the Ghanaian President, Prof. Attah-Mills, worshipping at The Synagogue and even going to the altar to share his testimony about how God used T.B. Joshua to make him win the election in Ghana. He told the congregation about how accurately Joshua prophesied that there would be a tie in the Ghanaian election that would drag into January, but eventually he would win. And he won.

Around Joshua’s living room were pictures of Presidents, heads of state, who either met the prophet or came to worship in The Synagogue. There is the picture of General Andre Kolingba, former President of the Central African Republic (who visited in 2003), Frederick Chiluba, former President of Zambia (who visited in 2001), Prof Pascal Lissouba, former President of Democratic Republic of Congo (who visited in 2006), and Sir Orville Turnquest, former Governor General of The Bahamas whom Joshua visited in 2001. Then there is Omar Bongo, the President of Gabon who visited The Synagogue in 2008.

After an hour of the preliminaries, T.B. Joshua sauntered in to welcome us. He was dressed casually in a T-shirt and shorts. He looked amiable. As we started the interview, he grabbed the tape recorder from us and spoke into it directly as we fired our questions at him. It was his own way of ensuring clarity in recording. Our approach was to get something biographical or autobiographical. This is Prophet T.B. Joshua’s memoirs, in his own words, with a little editing here and there. T.B. Joshua, as you have never heard or read anywhere.....

 8 February 2009 - The SundaySun - Respected by foreign leaders
Pastor T. B. Joshua, mentor to Presidents
By Jossy Idam

Samenvatting: Staatshoofden, meestal uit Afrika, gaven hun protocollen op en bezochten de kerk in een buitenwijk van Lagos om Gods aangezicht te zoeken. De zwijgzame en persschuwe profeet T.B. Joshua sprak met SundaySun. Hij zei: "Het is voor innerlijke vernieuwing. Zij die rijk zijn in de zin van het woord begrijpen dat het leven een leerproces is dat nooit eindigt".
Betreffende president Atta Mills voorspelde hij niet alleen zijn overwinning, maar leerde hij hem ook om nederigheid en een blij karakter te ontwikkelen.
Eergisteren gaf de Nigeriaanse Studenten Organisatie hem een pluim. De directie omschreef hem als een opvallend voorbeeld voor de groei en ontwikkeling van het onderwijs in het land. Het betreft een lange lijst met studiebeurzen en bijstand aan arme studenten. Vorig jaar reikte de regering een belangrijke onderscheiding aan hem uit.

Heads of states, mostly from Africa, at different times have jettisoned protocols and dashed in to see a pastor in a Lagos suburb. They go to him to kneel, pray, learn and “seek the face of God”.
Some even dispatched presidential jets to bring him to pray for them, their households and country at large.
      Taciturn and press shy, Prophet T.B. Joshua, General Overseer of Synagogue, the Church of All Nations, reluctantly spoke to Sunday Sun on his chain of visiting presidents. “It’s all for internal renovation. Those who are rich in every sense of the word understand that life is a learning process. It never stops’ he said.
     Notable heads of states and leaders who throng the church include President Oma Bongo of Gabon, Frederick Chiluba of Zambia, King Goodwill Zwetithini, the Zulu King of South Africa.
Others include the former President of Congo Brazzaville, Professor Pascal Lissonba and General Andre Kolimba.
     The just sworn-in President of Ghana, Professor John Evans Atta Mills has added his name to the list. Barely four days after being sworn-in Mills and his Vice, John D. Mahama, attended a thanksgiving service at Synagogue. 
     In the course of the service, President Atta Mills spoke and described Pastor Joshua as his mentor. According to him, the pastor didn’t only predict his victory but taught him humility, the joy of reaching out to the less privileged and abiding faith in God.
“He’s a professor of law. We learn from each other. When you constantly strive to improve, you build character,” Pastor Joshua said.
      Last Friday, the National Association of Nigerian Students, (NANS) added another feather to his cap. The executives of the association showered praises on him. Its Public Relations Officer, Comrade Agbabiaka Ahmed described him as an outstanding model for the growth and development of education in the country.
     The students, Sunday Sun learnt, decided to honour the Pastor for his long list of scholarships and giving succour to poor Nigerian students. Late last year, the Federal Government bestowed a prestigious national honour Officer of the Federal Republic on him.

 January 19, 2009 - Joshua’s Foreign Friends

Samenvatting: De Synagogue Church ontvangt vele buitenlandse leiders, waaronder presidenten, ministers en koningen. Sommigen kwamen als belangstellende vrienden, om geestelijk opgebouwd te worden, anderen werden genezen van ernstige kwalen.

The Synagogue of All Nations routinely plays host to a diverse range of foreign leaders. 

Prophet T.B. Joshua has many highly placed foreign friends, among them presidents, ministers and kings. In 2007, King Godwill Zwelithini of the Zulus from South Africa visited Joshua. He brought his daughter, Princess Sibusile Zulu, suffering from partial epilepsy. A year before that, King Moloto Solomon of the Limpopo Kingdom, South Africa, visited the Synagogue seeking a breakthrough for his kingdom. He stayed for over a week.

In 1999, Frederick Chiluba, who was then President of Zambia, called on Joshua in his church, seeking solution to an undisclosed ailment. President Omar Bongo of Gabon was, also, in the Synagogue. The cause of his visit was not revealed to the public.

Others who, one time or the other, visited Joshua were Professor Pasal Lissouba, one-time President of Congo Brazaville, and Justice Ralph A. Beisner from New York. Jacob Westhuizen, a South African rugby player, also called at the Synagogue in search of healing for a ligament injury.

Joshua also reconciled the families of Yormie Johnson, a warlord who killed former Liberian President Samuel Doe, and that of the man he killed. Johnson later became a senator in that country.

Among all these people, however, Mills attraction to Joshua was political. Before the nomination, TheNEWS gathered that Mills met with Joshua, asking whether he should contest, after losing twice. “He said to me, this is my time but there would be hindrances and hurdles on the way,” Mills said.

Mills added that he had been a member of the Synagogue for over 10 years and that the “message of T.B. Joshua was for my spiritual fortification”.

The Ghanaian Vice President, John D. Mahama, who was also at the thanksgiving, confessed that what he saw was wondrous. “I have been inspired in terms of how you must consolidate the spiritual in order to achieve success in the physical,” he said.

If this calibre of friends is anything to go by, The Synagogue of All Nations may just continue to attract the high and mighty globally the way nectar does a swarm of bees.

 Sunday, January 11, 2009 - Ghana’s new president returns to Synagogue ...

Samenvatting: De nieuwe Ghanese president, professor John Attah-Mills, heeft het volk beloofd de rijkdommen van het land te zullen gebruiken voor de opbouw van het land. Hij zei dat hij de Synagogue Church bezocht heeft om geestelijke hulp van de almachtige God te zoeken voor zichzelf en het volk van Ghana. Hij kent T.B. Joshua al meer dan 10 jaar en hij en zijn kerk hebben gebeden gedurende zijn verkiezing. Tevoren had Joshua zijn verkiezing geprofeteerd. De president besloot met: “Ik ben nog steeds dezelfde John Attah-Mills. We zijn allen van hetzelfde volk. Wat er ook gebeurt, laten we juist God de glorie geven. En bij wat er in Ghana is gebeurd, zullen veel mensen zeker dichter tot God komen.”

The Ghanian new President, Professor John Attah-Mills has assured his people of judicious use of the country’s resources to develop the country, promising that, “the wealth and resources of Ghana, both natural and human will be used to build and develop Ghana’s economy.”

The President, who made the declaration yesterday at the Synagogue Church, Ikotun Lagos informed that his visit to the church was to seek spiritual guidance for the presidential duties put squarely on his shoulders by the Almighty God through the good people of Ghana, asserting that, “the prayer to succeed is not for me alone but for mother Ghana and the generality of the people of Ghana.

“I am not a stranger in Nigeria. I have known the man of God Prophet T. B. Joshua for over 10 years. He and all members of his church had been praying for us before, during and after the election,” Attah-Mills disclosed, adding that his presence at his church was to seek for further prayers for, “peace, growth, progress and stability of mother Ghana.”

While admitting that, “as human being, the body is weak,” and prone to mistakes, the newly inaugurated President however assured that, “the soul is willing and ready,” saying Prophet Joshua should keep on asking questions whenever he observed anything because, according to him, only God is perfect.

Sunday, Jan. 11, 2009 - Read more... Going down the memory lane, the Ghanian President disclosed the Joshua had predicted his victory ahead of the election, saying, but when he prophesized that the election would run to three balloting and that the results would finally be declared in January, 2009, “I was sceptical and kept that in my mind.”
“Now that his prophesy has come to pass, I have come back for more prayer to God to bless Ghana and strengthen me to be able to discharge my responsibilities to the satisfaction of my people,” he stated, praying God, “the all-knowing to give wisdom and big heart to play the role He has chosen for me.”

While soliciting his people’s support, the President said: “I am still the same John Attah-Mills. We are all the same people. Whatever happens, let us just give glory to God. And with what has happened in Ghana, many people will surely move closer to God,” he concluded.
While blessing him, Prophet Joshua invoked “the Spirit of Finisher to strengthen you to finished the job you have just started and all what you have promised.” 


12 december 2008 - Trouw:
door Elwin Verheggen 
’Profeet’ T.B. Joshua zou onder meer hiv- en aidspatiënten kunnen genezen door handoplegging en gebed. Trouw bezocht zijn kerk in het Nigeriaanse Lagos, sprak met hem en trof er ook een Nederlandse discipel.
Rondom hem maken hiv-patiënten schokkerige bewegingen. Sommigen roepen luidkeels om Jezus. Mensen vallen bij bosjes om. Maar Friday Eyenuku (49) blijft met een droge blik rechtop staan. Zelfs nadat ’profeet’ T. B. Joshua, die met glimmend driedelig pak en microfoon op een soulzanger lijkt, hem probeert om te duwen. 
Maandenlang keek Eyenuku naar de gebedsgenezingen, zondags live op Emmanuel TV, het 24-uurskanaal van de profeet dat uitzendt in Afrika, maar ook in Nederland te zien is via internet. 
De ambtenaar uit Warri schafte er speciaal een schotel voor aan. Deze 26ste oktober is hijzelf met tientallen andere hiv-patiënten op de buis te zien. Uit schaamte hield hij zijn ziekte drie jaar praktisch voor iedereen verborgen. 
Nu staat ’hiv/aids’ in koeienletters op de poster die hij in beeld moet vasthouden. Maar Joshua zal hem zo genezen, weet Eyenuku, zoals hij zo vaak op televisie zag.....

10 oktober 2008 - Trouw...
Ik hoorde God zeggen: 'Stop met insuline'
door Koert van der Velde 
     Zonder religieuze beleving geen religie – misschien is ze wel de kern ervan. Toch lees je er maar weinig over. In deze rubriek beantwoorden mensen vragen over wat ze op religieus gebied hebben beleefd. Vandaag: Mahendra Kashiva. 
     „Tot mijn zeventiende was ik praktiserend hindoe. In ons dorp woonde een zendelinge die me uitnodigde voor thee en cake. Ik was gek op cake, en ging elke dag naar haar toe. Na drie maanden heb ik me laten dopen. Daarop verstootte mijn familie me. Mijn grootvader, die inspecteur van politie was, zei dat hij me ging vermoorden. Ik vertrok naar Delhi, sliep op een bank in een park tegenover een vijfsterrenhotel. 
     Op een dag ben ik daar naar binnen gelopen en heb om werk gevraagd. Ik werd bordenwasser. Een hotelgast vertelde me over Nederland, een land waar allemaal christenen woonden. Ik ben gaan sparen en kwam in 1958 op Schiphol aan. Ik werd fabrieksarbeider, maar het lukte me een beurs te krijgen voor een studie tot vliegtuigingenieur in de VS. Tot mijn pensioen heb ik verder bij Fokker gewerkt. 
Lees verder...

     Mohendra Kashiva (73) was vliegtuig- ingenieur.

 September 29th, 2008 - No Comments - www.frangeovicblog.com/?p=189
Pastor T.B. Joshua is one of the Heaven sent instruments to come to the rescue of students that do not have enough funds to keep them in school. He (Pastor T.B. Joshua) gave more than a thousand students full scholarship and some of them are now graduates with a first degree, two out of the thousands are Abraham Amos, a graduate of Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria with a degree in Mass communication and Ogunleye Oladele a graduate of Adekunle Ajasin University with a degree in sociology. We encourage people that have to give. 

J. Lee Grady herhaalt na 5 jaar zijn kritiek op TB Joshua
Plotseling in 2008 bedenkt J. Lee Grady, redacteur van het Amerikaanse Charisma Magazine, om oude koeien uit de sloot te trekken. Na 5 jaar zit hem zijn ongelijk kennelijk nog steeds hoog, meermalen en van meer kanten is hij erop aangesproken, maar nu tracht hij alsnog zijn gelijk te halen. Lee Grady blijkt niet op te hoogte te zijn van de ontwikkelingen in Nigeria. Hij noemt ook geen enkel nieuw feit, herhaalt slechts een paar onjuistheden. Opnieuw vertelt hij dat hij T.B. Joshua bezocht "om hem te confronteren met zijn geschiedenis". En toen hij "zijn zombie-volgelingen" zag (ja, dit is de taal van Lee Grady!) en nadat hij met Joshua's tegenstanders gesproken had, besloot hij dat het "magie" was. Maar hoewel dit slechts zijn persoonlijke conclusies waren, gaat dit in 2008 dus over 2003. Zou Lee Grady niet weten dat de valse beschuldigingen van slechts enkele pinksterleiders in Nigeria na 5 jaar achterhaald blijken zijn? Feitelijk is er in Nigeria allang de algemene erkenning van T.B. Joshua als een integere bijbelgetrouwe profeet en prediker. Alle genezingen en bevrijdingen worden gedaan in de naam van Jezus en God de Vader en Jezus worden er voor gedankt. De wekelijkse 8 uur durende Live-uitzending (link is verwijderd) toont wel aan hoe ongerechtvaardigd de kritiek van Lee Grady is.
In het vervolg van Lee Grady's artikel zegt hij nog dat honger naar het bovennatuurlijke niet aangemoedigd zou moeten worden. N.B.: dit zegt dus een hoofdredacteur van een 'pinkster'blad.
Helaas is wat we nu zien gebeuren dat de kwalijke ongeverifieerde berichtgeving van Lee Grady, zoals gebruikelijk, onmiddellijk door alle negatieve critici op hun websites wordt overgenomen. Ook het vurige slotbetoog van Lee Grady over het veronderstelde gebrek aan onderscheidingsvermogen (bij anderen uiteraard) en het gevaar van misleiding past perfect in hun straatje.
 [Harry Sleijster]. 

Eén reactie
Opvallend op de weblog van Lee Grady is het grote aantal steunbetuigingen die tegelijk vaak zeer anti-charismatische zijn. Blijkbaar durft niemand in dit klimaat nog tegen hem in te gaan, want ik vond tussen de 100 reacties slechts deze ene kernachtige tegen-reactie:
      Regarding Joshua, I have visited there with a group of pastors and evangelists. We believe that we do have a degree of discernment but our conclusions were different from Lees. Lee says only two things:
     1/People were like zombies - I would suggest that it was tiredness. I don't feel all that chipper myself with little sleep. Some services at the synagogue used to go for up to 28 hours straight. Sundays were from 6am receiving the sick and ending at 8pm.
     2/ The second thing was that lee felt that he saw unusual practices that he labelled witchcraft. Well, Lee has the right to feel any way he wants to but it doesn't make him correct. This is not proof. Joshua has been going for quite a few years now and where is the evidence of all these terrible things that Lee accuses him of? He has stood the test of time. When I saw this story I thought maybe he had finally coughed up some real facts. Where are the scandals involving Joshua? There are none. Again, Joshua's big critic in the States -Joseph Thompson? sat happily under the leadership and authority of Ted Haggard. He was on staff there. Some discernment. 

Sept. 4, 2008 - www.tribune.com...
Synagogue church empowers the disabled
     The Synagogue Church of all Nations recently donated money and foodstuff to some underprivileged disabled persons as a way of empowering them for life.Bilikis Balogun, who was at the occasion, reports.

     In line with its principle of making life better for the less-privileged in the society, the Synagogue Church of all Nations recently donated gift items and cash worth over N 10million to physically challenged people across the country.

     The goodwill gesture, which is one of the many series the church engages in through its General Overseer, Prophet T.B Joshua, takes place twice every two months, when the church gives financial assistance and bags of rice and other welfare materials to the disabled persons. 

August 29, 2008 - T.B. Joshua
     I was delighted to see T.B. Joshua on local TV this evening. I was preparing for some old fashioned entertainment from the pastor's pastor.
    You might have seen the Channel 4 doc from a few years ago, where Dr Robert Beckford met with Pastor Joshua and was just a little disturbed by the encounter. Beckford, a brainy Christian theologian, was not persuaded that what he saw had any relationship to Christianity.
    T.B. Joshua claims to be able to cure anything - including death (start from 5.30 in). Go to YouTube, type in his name, sit back and marvel at his spiritual powers. His church has people from all over the world in attendance. They can't all be wrong can they?
    Despite his mangled English, I must say he made a lot more sense than the other local televangelists.  [Link is verwijderd].

Bestel The Mirror online - voor slechts $ 25August 27, 2008 - The Mirror
      Lately I was prompted to read Prophet T B Joshua's book entitled 'The Mirror', when a friend I know from Tanglin Fellowship asked me whether I had the book. Indeed I had it but I had not yet read it. I had not been drawn to it before, and I had been spending my time reading many other books.
     So curious, I picked the book up and began to read...
The book is about who TB Joshua (and rightly so) calls God's generals; Abraham, Joseph, Joshua, Daniel, Stephen just to mention a few. I found the book fascinating because of the many new insights and gems it contained. Here is one such gem. 
     In ACTS 3:1-8, Peter and John meet the crippled man at the temple gate called Beautiful who was begging from those entering the temple courts. Peter looked straight at him, as did John and Peter said 'Look at us'. The man looked at them expecting to receive something from them. Then Peter said,'Silver or gold I do not have, but what I have I give you' (and boy did they have something to give to him!). Peter said,' In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth walk'. The man received his miracle and he stood up and walked!
     And here is the gem. Like this man, we may have areas in our life that are crippled. And Jesus can 'heal' us in these areas.
     Therefore I pray for each person who reads this, for every area of your life that is crippled, whether family, or financial situation, or health, or work, or marriage or blessings and anything else, I speak to each of them, 'Walk! Walk in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Anything in any area of your life that has stopped - walk in Jesus name! Move... in Jesus' mighty name!

June 5, 2008 - Who is TB Joshua?

TB Joshua is an anointed man of God, based in Lagos, Nigeria. He is the pastor of The Synagogue, Church Of All Nations and founder of Emmanuel TV. 

According to his biography on The Synagogue, Church Of All Nations website, TB Joshua was in a trance for three consecutive days when he received his calling. He said concerning the experience, "I heard a voice saying, 'I am your God; I am giving you a divine commission to go and carry out the work of the Heavenly Father... I would show you the wonderful ways I would reveal myself through you, in teaching, preaching, miracles, signs and wonders for the salvation of souls". 

He started his church with eight members, prophetically calling it 'The Synagogue Church Of All Nations' and today, the church has a membership of countless thousands, including people from all nations of the world. Every week, thousands of people come to the church from all over the world to receive healing, and there is incredible DOCUMENTED healing before, during and afterwards for every kind of sickness and disease, ranging from HIV/ AIDs to cancer and total body paralysis. 

His Sunday services are broadcast LIVE every week on Emmanuel TV (www.emmanuel.tv), where there are live prophecies, deliverances and miracles for the whole world to see! Remarkable miracles such as instant baby deliveries, wheel chair bound cripples walking and the demon possessed delivered can be seen live and direct. There are also amazing testimonies of people receiving healing as they are watching Emmanuel TV in thier homes! 

Another Ministry is the humanitarian arm of TB Joshua's ministry. He has programs helping the widows, dwarves, elderly and destitute, supporting thier welfare with money, foodas well as giving opportunity for youths to learn and develop practical skills and former armed robbers and prostitutes to receive reformation on the church premises. 

In everything, TB Joshua ascribes all glory to God and never attributes the amazing miracles to himself. He is known as a man of simplicity, humility and generosity - living in total obedience to God. 

On June 12th 2008, he will turn 45 years old. 

For more information, visit his websites: www.scoan.com
and www.emmanuel.tv


Oktober 2, 2007 - Indiegal Worldpres - http://indiegal.wordpress.com/2007

In september bracht T.B. Joshua een bezoek aan Indonesië, waar hij enkele dagen een bijzonder gezegende campagne hield.

Een uitvoerig verslag hiervan is te vinden op de website van de Stichting Bevrijding in Jezus' naam die reizen naar The Synagogue Church organiseert.
Klik hier...

Tanggal 28 – 29 September kemarin Indonesia kedatangan Hamba Tuhan yang memiliki pengurapan dari Tuhan untuk kesembuhan ilahi dan pelepasan. Kebetulan gw datang di hari Sabtu, en sebenarnya sempat tidak berniat untuk datang. Tetapi dengar cerita orang-orang yang datang di hari Jumat, bikin tertarik dan penasaran untuk datang. Dan emang kata-kata orang memang benar, hari Sabtu lebih ramai daripada hari Jumat.
BTW, siapa sih T.B Joshua itu ?

Okt. 2007 - www.powerset.com/explore/semhtml/T.B._Joshua
(Een 'schaduw'wikipedia met niet geaccepteerde informatie)
     T.B. Joshua, full name Temitope Balogun Joshua (Ondo, June 12, 1963) is a controversial [Nigerian] Christian minister with a powerful healing ministry. He does not claim to heal but says he knows the healer - Jesus Christ. In the 90's he became known in the international Pentecostal scene for his alleged healings during services in his church in Lagos; The synagogue, Church of all Nations. His church has been visited by curious and sceptic believers from all over the world.
     T.b Joshua is one of the humblest man the christian church has ever seen. He does not only claim to heal the sick but knows the healer - Jesus Christ and has medical proof of those healed. T.B Joshua has a tremendous and infallible prophetic office that has been proven and continue to be proven - direct individual prophecies and international prophecies that have come to pass after he mentioned them under the unction of the Holy Spirit. Though he faces a lot of critisism from ither pastors, he has remained calm and the work of Jesus Christ has continued to grow to such levels that has attracted head of states, kings and personalities from many nations and from as far as United States Of America
T.B. Joshua is a man of uncompromising holiness and exposes a power so great that can never be compared to any known man of God on earth today. Miracles, signs and wonders are the order of the day in his church with videos of him raising the dead, praying for instant birth miracles for all those with baby delivery problems, cancer, open wounds, wheelchair bound and other many ailments available for all to see. Many whites and blacks from outside Nigeria go to his church in search of Miracles and are never disappointed. The main other streangth he has is that of Prophecy which is too direct that he seems to be more up to date than tomorrow's newspaper. Death of people and happenings around the world are mentioned with accruracy way before they happen and are aired live before they happen so people can have proof when they happen. Miracle seakers are also asked to bring their medical papers sio that there will be proof after the healing. He holds services every Sunday at his church, for which thousands of people start queueing as early as 4 a.m. Also he runs an evangelistic satellite T.V.-Station known as Emmanuel TV. Many people come to him with open wounds and other diseases and leave healed. Some wounds literally dissappear as he prays and all this in full view of the camera and thousands of people who attend his emergency section which is the equivalence of Healing Line.
    His hours vary for he claims to only do things strictly at the directions of the Holy Spirit. His other streangth lies in his humanitarian efforts around the world with hundreds upon hundreds of widows, old people, dwarfs and other destitutes receiving monetary help from tb joshua's church He is different from other preachers i n that he does not concentrate on preaching about money. His preaching concentrates on Sin being the enemy of the believer and humanity as a whole.

Sept. 29, 2007 - The Daily Sun - Like Zaccheus and Jesus, T.B. Joshua adopts 60 dwarfs
By Jossy Idam (Jidam 14 @yahoo.com) and Tosin Ajirire
Saturday, September 29, 2007 
     Who says the incidents recorded in the Bible are not acted out today? Who can also argue that notable preacher, T. B. Joshua is not following the footsteps of the Messiah who he professes to emulate? Remember the story of Zaccheus, the dwarf who could not access the crowd to reach the messiah and be blessed. 
     He devised a means of beating the obstacle and climbed a sycamore tree, at that vantage point the preacher saw him and he had his piece of the action to get a mention in the annals. 
     Today, many Zaccheuses abound among us, and TBJ, the Bible teacher does not want them to take the trouble of trying the palm or breadfruit trees for extra height before he takes them in. Without much ado, a handsome number of them – men and women are wining and dining with the preacher in his church at Ikotun Egbe, Alimosho LGA of Lagos.
A heart for ‘little’ people
     The founder and General Overseer of The Synagogue, Church of All Nations, Prophet Temitope B. Joshua seems to have a special place in his heart for dwarfs.
At his large, impressive headquarter in Ikotun, a suburb in Lagos, the short men and women in stature gather daily to pray, eat, drink, hear the word of God and be catered for.
     The church’s General Overseer, Saturday Sun learnt, has even launched a special ministry to attend to their needs. When Saturday Sun visited the church last Wednesday, they met a number of them and were told crowd increases daily.

Sept. 19, 2007 - Nigeria: TB Joshua Seeks Co-Operation With Other Clerics
By Patience Akpuru, Lagos
Founder and Pastor of The Synagogue Church of All Nations, Prophet Temitope Joshua has extended a hand of fellowship to other Christian ministers, appealing to them for support instead of criticizing what God was doing through him.
He also urged politicians to engage in politics with the maturity that comes from faith.
Prophet Joshua made this appeal while addressing newsmen in his church building at Ikotun, Lagos, yesterday.
He explained that people were coming around to confirm things they did not understand about him. He urged anyone who has doubts about him to come and confirm, instead of passing negative comments about him.
He further explained that he did not believe that he could succeed alone. "We need inspired and informed people to work with us. We cannot succeed alone. Even Jesus knew that he could not succeed alone, that is why he chose the 12 apostles."
On negative comments on him, he said that he believed in persevering faith. "Perseverance must be tested as ministers. We have come a long way full of persecution. Our endurance and patience are being tested," he explained.
Prophet Joshua also called on Nigerians to hope for a better Nigeria. He explained that Nigeria today is better than the Nigeria we had yesterday. He said that our dream Nigeria is coming slowly because our faith is also slow.

T.B. Joshua in Indonesië
van 28 tot 29 September 2007...


Juni 2007 - Reisverslag van Scoan-bezoeker Rob van Eck...
In juni 2007 was ik in de gelegenheid om aan den lijve te ondervinden wat er gaande is in de omstreden gemeente in Lagos: de Synagoge Church Of All Nations, in het kort SCOAN.
      Er is inmiddels heel veel geschreven over het ontstaan en functioneren van deze gemeente. Evenals over de bevoegdheid en kwaliteiten van voorganger T.B. Joshua. Met dit verslag wil ik overbrengen wat ik heb gehoord en gezien. Dit uit objectief oogpunt, zonder vooroordeel over het praktiseren van de gave van de genezing. De Here Jezus antwoordde aan de twee boden van Johannes, op zijn vraag of Hij wel de gezalfde was van God: 'Gaat heen en boodschapt Johannes wat gij hoort en ziet: blinden worden ziende en lammen wandelen, melaatsen worden gereinigd en doven horen en doden worden opgewekt en armen ontvangen het evangelie.' Mat.11:4.
     Synagoge 'Church of all Nations' - Het woord synagoge (grieks) betekent huis voor samenkomst. En dat is ook precies waar het gebouw voor staat. De deur is 24 uur per dag open, zeven dagen per week. Dag en nacht staan getrainde junior pastors klaar om hulp te bieden, ook op gebied van genezing.
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Maart 2007 - Reisverslag van Scoan-bezoeker Harry Sleijster...
Dit is het reisverslag van mijn bezoek aan The Synagogue Church of All Nations in maart 2007. De reis was goed georganiseerd door de Stichting Bevrijding in Jezus' naam. Het werd een week met heel veel indrukken, die ook nog haast niet te beschrijven zijn.
Al sinds 2002 verzamelde ik alle nieuws over T.B. Joshua en de kerk in Lagos. En in november 2006 kreeg ik de opdracht een website te maken voor de reizen die vanuit Nederland naar deze kerk georganiseerd worden. Ik was blij met deze aanleiding om eens met eigen ogen te gaan zien wat daar gebeurde.
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  Read the English translation: My visit to the Synagogue Church...

Maart 2007 - Herman S.J. Pot vertaalde een toespraak van Andrew Wommack...
   ...De bijbel zegt dat "ons door zijn striemen genezing is geworden", dat "God dezelfde is gisteren, vandaag en tot in alle eeuwigheid" en dat "er geen onderscheid des persoons is". Dus wat Jezus deed toen Hij hier op aarde rondliep, is nog steeds voor ons weggelegd. Dat er dan toch nog genezing uitblijft voor bepaalde mensen, of eenmaal ontvangen weer tenietgedaan wordt, ligt niet aan God. Dus moeten wij de reden of oorzaak bij onszelf zoeken.
     T.B. Joshua
     Ik heb dit zelf ook altijd een moeilijk fenomeen gevonden. Niet omdat ik mijn twijfels over de genezing had die God wil en kan geven, van welke ziektes dan ook. Maar wel omdat ik het  niet altijd kon uitleggen aan mensen. Het bezoek aan 'The Synagogue' van Prophet T.B. Joshua [in 2001] heeft mij de ogen geopend en duidelijk gemaakt aan de hand van talloze genezingen voor mijn ogen, dat niets voor God onmogelijk is. Het bracht me opnieuw in herinnering dat ik een tijd geleden het onderwijs van Andrew Wommack had gehoord over genezingen en het soms uitblijven of teruglopen daarvan. Ik heb die tapes opnieuw beluisterd. Andrew Wommack heeft naar mijn overtuiging helder en uitputtend e.e.a. duidelijk gemaakt. 
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August 2007 - TB Joshua
     A former pastor with the Celestial Church of Christ, Pastor T. B. Joshua burst unto the scene a few years ago with astonishing live miracle services. But for some reason he was not accepted by other Pentecostal/Evangelical Nigerian pastors until recently.
Among the pastors of the new era, he may be the one that receives the greatest criticism, and this may be because his ways are different. Joshua gives himself the image of new wine in old skin. Unlike most of his colleagues, who package themselves as modern and stylish, Pastor Joshua strikes a different image. But currently, this is changing.
First, the name of his church, The Synagogue Church of All Nations is perceived as not modern. It reminds one of the Old Testament. But one thing that seems to surprise most people about Joshua is that while most of his colleagues' miracles are reported, those performed by Joshua are presented "live". In other words, most times, those who have been healed by other pastors come on stage to say, "Before, I had XYZ ailment, but after Pastor ABC prayed for me, the ailment disappeared." In Joshua's case, the healing process is performed in the full glare of the cameras. This is one of the reasons his critics aim at him.
He puts recording to maximum use. Everything he embarks upon is well recorded the way Chief Gani Fawehinmi does his things. When a person comes in with any ailment, the ailment is recorded. When the healing is concluded, the stages of the healing process are shown. This way, he strives to send the message home that the miracles are real. And remarkably no fees are paid for the miracles he performs - all are absolutely free.
This resort to recording of events served a useful purpose when the Nigerian international footballer, Nwankwo Kanu, denied, after a successful heart operation, that he ever visited T.B. Joshua's Synagogue for all Nations, saying that as a devout Roman Catholic, he would not visit such a place. Joshua immediately released the pictures of Kanu's visit and the "case" was closed.
For his "immediate" miracles and his "old-fashioned" ways, Pastor T.B. Joshua comes under attacks from even his colleagues. But despite his old ways, Joshua has found another way of packaging his work. Many foreigners who heard of him and came to him for healing have become his "campaign" managers. These white people, after being healed, become the presenters of his programmes on TV. They are also in the choir and hold key positions in the church. When a prominent personality pays a visit to the church, like former President of Zambia, Frederick Chiluba, Joshua ensures that such an event is well televised for people to see. With the endorsement of foreigners and prominent figures, Joshua is telling his critics that if he is not recognised in Nigeria, foreigners recognise him and rate him highly. And indeed there seems not to be any Nigerian pastor that attracts more white people to his church like Joshua.
Joshua also publishes a magazine called Synagogue News, which captures all issues involving the church for the consumption of the public. The magazine projects the church and tries to counter negative comments made about the church. Copies of the publication are aggressively marketed by special vendors. In terms of copious wealth, many believe that he can match the so-called wealthiest Churches in Nigeria today. Moreso, more than any other church, his ministry has gone international with a telling result.
His Church's unique edifice has remained talk of the town and architecturally rivals the best in the country.

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