
1. Benny Hinn
Aanklager Granel

2. Ouweneel
Aanklager Geelhoed

3. Rick Warren
Aanklager Geelhoed

4. TB Joshua
Aanklager vd Ven
  Laatste Nieuws
  Recensie Medema
  Recensie Smouter
  Boek    Ouweneel
  Getuigenissen NL

5. Joseph Prince
Aanklager BttB

- Alverzoening
- Bevrijdingspastoraat
- Bevrijding
- Genezing
- Handoplegging
- Opwekkingsbundel
- Vallen in de Geest
- Welvaartsevangelie
- Ziek van het zoeken

  o n d e r z o c h t    e n    g e t o e t s t


Nieuws en Links over T.B. Joshua

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De Nederlandse website voor reizen naar de Synagogue Church: www.bevrijdinginjezusnaam.nl

Kijk LIVE naar Emmanuel.tv | Veel video's van genezingen in Lagos...

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 December 10, 2006 - My Journey To A New Live...
miracle! Miracle!! More MIRACLES!!!
Believe me, because I witnessed them taking place in front of my very own naked eyes. I witnessed the wheel-chair bounds’ getting up on their feet and instantaneously walking upon his touch and prayers. I witnessed the cancer-stricken patients getting healed. I witnessed people possessed by the spirit of Lizard, possessed by the spirit of Snake, possessed by the spirit of Monkey receiving deliverance from the evil spirit living in them for many years. You are not going to believe this, but you have to. I even witnessed a HIV inflicted woman getting cured. 
PROPHET T.B. JOSHUA was here in Singapore. He had come all the way from Synagogue, Church Of All Nations, Lagos, Nigeria - the headquarters of the international ministry of the Prophet - to perform miracles. He is no Magician. He is no Sorcerer. He is just an ordinary man, like you and I, who was in the midst of us by the name of Lord. In fact he is a Servant. He is a servant of the Lord; Jesus Christ.
More Singapore...

November 28, 2006 - T.B Joshua in Singapore...
     TB Joshua whom everyone affectionately referred to as Prophet TB Joshua from Nigeria, Lagos is in Singapore this week for a series of services and conferences. It is his first trip to Singapore and is the first ever Christian preacher that is allowed by the authority to use the title Prophet, and Healing Crusade on his promotional materials.
     The Singapore Indoor Stadium was quickly filled up 30 minutes before the service officially started at 7pm this evening. Thousands joined in the worship and one after another pastors came up to have a short sermon and introducing each other with what they are doing, what they have achieved and lauding their titles.
     It wasn’t until 9.30pm that TB Joshua came in to the pulpit and preached. His sermon was a great one, one i would not normally expect from him if i were to believe reports about this man and his ministry; Instead of another miracle worker and asking people to donate large sum of money, this man of God preached with strong conviction and clear message of holiness. Healing without putting the Word of God as our standard will not stand the test of time. This humble man of God attributes Jesus as the healer and he preached about putting the Word of God as the central principle guiding our lives, one on which through the Word, healings, peace, and others are built upon.
     The last part, we saw people in wheel chair stood up and walk, the deaf hears, the sick healed and many demon possessed got delivered! It was a sight and many sat there in shock. This would be the first, to be captured on TV the contorted faces of the demon possessed people screaming and speaking in unnatural voices. Many were set free. And i love what TB Joshua said, rejoice not that the demons are subjected to us, but rejoice that our names are written in the Book of Life!

November 20, 2006 - To those who judge
Let those without sin, throw the first stone.
I have learned painfully, what lies behind the critical spirit of judgment. Too often have we all hold defense the Judge with the Standard of the Word of God and not hypocritically whenever someone come up to our face and say: Do not Judge. Does our argument really hold up with God? How the Apologists would say Amen but often let’s examine beneath the pseudo-righteousness; Not of God, but of our own.
Read some blogs which condemn TB Joshua, when i read that, the familarity is neither shocking, nor the audacity of it. First, I am all for discerning, differentiating about right and wrong, and all that Apostle Paul exhorted us to be discerning. There was this blog which the author condemned TB Joshua from the websites he read online, and from the posters he saw on the train, but surprisingly, this man has never met TB Joshua, and has not attended any of his service, nor heard this man preach.

27-28 Nov 2006 - Healing in Singapore
Prophet T.B. Joshua, popularly known as ‘the man of God in the synagogue’ is the Founder and General Overseer of the Synagogue, Church of all Nations, Lagos, Nigeria, West Africa with branches all over the world. He is 43 years of age and is married to Evelyn and they have 3 Children. His congregation of more than 20,000 members comprises of national and international worshippers...
Read more... | Poster...

May 19, 2006 - Sport Story - Jaco van der Westhuyzen getuigt nog steeds van zijn genezing
[Jaco van der Westhuyzen is still testifying of his healing] ...If anyone believes in miracles, it is Jaco van der Westhuyzen. Some say that is exactly what the Bulls will need to beat the Crusaders in tomorrow night's Super 14 semifinal, but van der Westhuyzen will not joke about acts of God. The Bulls fullback is adamant an act of divine intervention got his career back on track six years ago after he sought out a Nigerian faith healer to heal his ruptured posterior cruciate ligament. 
     Desperate to make the Springboks tour in late 2000, van der Westhuyzen flew to Lagos, Nigeria, to seek out TB Joshua, the man he labels "The Prophet". After flying to Nigeria, he joined a large crowd for several days outside a small church near Lagos, and had his injury identified and healed. "He basically prayed for me and basically said, 'Take off your cast and run'. I did just that," van der Westhuyzen said. "I had that leap of faith and started running and there was nothing wrong." A devout Christian, van der Westhuyzen said it was his belief in God that cured his knee, not TB Joshua. "I went to him and wanted to get my leg healed to go and play ... and my whole relationship and views of life changed there. "That was the miracle in itself that happened, and as a bonus my leg healed and I played soon afterwards."

Inmiddels zijn de artikelen van de critici als Geelhoed, Van der Ven, Verhoeven en Van Zonneveld verouderd en blijken het opgeblazen items te zijn. Want iedereen kan zich momenteel LIVE op internet ervan overtuigen wie T.B. Joshua is en wat zijn boodschap is en wat er in de Synagogue Church of All Nations gebeurt! Jezus Christus krijgt er alle eer!
[ In the meantime the articles from the critics like Geelhoed, Van der Ven, Verhoeven, Van Zonneveld are outdated. It is proved they are inflated topics. Because now everyone can convince himself LIVE on internet about who T.B. Joshua is and what his message is and about what is happening in The Synagogue Church of All Nations. Jesus Christ is gloryfied! ]


November 2005 - The Remnant - by Jerrell Miller - A Junior Prophet Speaks...
...John Rice spent nine months at the Synagogue Church, Of All Nations he spoke to the Remnant recently in Tampa about the inside of the ministry at the Church in Lagos, Nigeria...
...The job of a newspaper is to serve and protect the people from fraud and abuse from those who are in authority, that includes men of God who have used the people to serve themselves. We are here to serve and we are 12 years old. The focus on this newspaper is to reveal the Word of God in manifestation. We have spoken against those who would slander the man of God in Nigeria, T. B. Joshua. The lies and that have been brought against this true man of God is an insult to the journalists who have spun the rumors for their own purpose. Stay with us and we will show you even more...
...We have made seven individual trips to the dark continent over the last five years and we have noticed one thing. The deeper a man of God goes into the poverty of this great continent the greater the blessing. My first visit to the Synagogue Church, Of All Nations opened my eyes. Where most of the men of God in Nigeria shake their people relentlessly for money the calm quit healer T.B. Joshua never put his people to the task over collections and yet he has been able to extend his ministry to other countries and has been able to expand his church almost five times the size that it was just three years ago. The minute that you beginning to understand what is going on at the Synagogue Church, is the time that you understand that there is no religion in this church. The quiet soft spoken Joshua has a humble walk with his people and he loves on them like a true pastor...

september 2005 - Bode: Janneke's volledige vernieuwing en genezing
Maar zelfs tijdens het gebed van T.B. Joshua, dat was op 2 juni 2004, merkte ik hoeveel hoogmoed en zelfhandhaving er nog in me was. Het kwam tot een volledige overgave aan God en op dat moment werd ik door Hem genezen. Het duistere, de demonen, die de ziekte veroorzaakten, werden als het ware uit mij gezogen toen ik op de grond lag. En ik voelde het heel duidelijk: dit was van God. Mijn angst en scepsis voor het hele gebeuren verdween. Ik ervoer een diepe rust en vrede en vreugde; het was of het licht geworden was. Ik was werkelijk bevrijd en de Heilige Geest was erbij. Ik keek op en wilde Joshua bedanken. Maar hij was er al niet meer. Zelf zou hij gezegd hebben: 'Prijs en dank God er maar voor, ik ben slechts zijn dienstknecht. Hij heeft je genezen!'
  Lees verder...

Sept. 2005 - Forum: Is he a man of God?
...Let me tell u something, many of the penticostal leaders in Nigeria believe in TB Josuah's ministry. If they did not a few years ago, they do now. They are just afraid to confess him openly... like the bible tells us that many of the pharisees believed in Jesus but they did not confess him openly so as not to be put out of the synagogue.
They have reealised that the man is even winning more souls in to the kingdom and edifying a lot more than they have ever done in their years of ministry.
That is why i love Pastor chris Oyakhilome. He would rather say and do what pleases the Lord rather than what people want to hear. He is a fearless Man of God.
Jesus said he will use the foolish things of this world to confound the wise.
Read more... 

August 5, 2005 - The Remnant - LAGOS NIGERIA --They keep showing up at the church without hope. This was my sixth trip to The Synagogue Church, Of All Nations...

July 6, 2005 - The Remnant - LAGOS NIGERIA --There leader has been gone for almost one month now, but at 5:00 PM in the late evening as the sun passes through the western windows of the Synagogue Church more than 3,000 people have come to pray for their pastor.

July 2005 - The Remnant - Jerrell Miller - Korea For Christ Crusade
From the moment the prophet set foot on Korean soil the level of expectation grew until he boarded the jet to return to his home in Lagos, Nigeria. The healings were phenomenal but the teachings that he shared with Korean people had nothing to do with healings but had everything to do with repentance. God moved through Joshua as a healer and as an evangelist who was seeking the repentance of sin and a new beginning for the people of Anyang, Korea.
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mei 2005 - Nederlands Dagblad: Komt T.B. Joshua naar Nederland?
Hoewel de belangstelling voor de dienst der genezing toeneemt, is de aandacht voor de Nigeriaanse gebedsgenezer T.B. Joshua weggeëbd. Maar 'de profeet' heeft een bruggenhoofd in Nieuwegein. Daar komt wekelijks een kleine groep bijeen om zijn gedachtegoed te verspreiden. Het wachten is op Joshua zelf. Aan het enthousiasme van Josien Baksteen ligt het niet, deze zondagmiddag in de aula van een basisschool in Nieuwegein. ,,Woensdag gaat er weer een groep naar Lagos, om te kijken naar de God in actie. Want God is niet veranderd, Hij biedt ons genezing aan. En elke keer als ik het zie, denk ik: hier wil ik nooit aan wennen.''
  Lees verder...

May 2005 - Korea for Christ Crusade
The crusade with Prophet TB Joshua near Seoul Korea was held in May 2005. There were many mighty miracles and the name of Jesus Christ was glorified. There are details on The Synagogue web site and you can also watch on the internet some videos from the crusade (broadband connection needed) from a Korean site.

March 16 2005 - The Botswana Gazette
THE Chairman of the Evangelical Fellowship Botswana, Percival Mtethwa, said though his organisation declined the invitation to join in Prophet TB Joshua’s crusade, he feels that it was a success...

   Lees meer...                                (Lees ook de AllAfrika: Lessons from Joshua)
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March 2005 - Nigeria News Now
Pastor Paul Okarigbo who has been conducting services at the Gaborone National Stadium said on Monday, that thousands of people have registered to seek Joshua’s help. He said that some of them are from Europe, America, Switzerland and South Africa. Although he said that he is not Joshua’s spokesman, Akarigbo said that the ‘Prophet’ was not after money because he helps people free of charge.

januari 2005 - 'Uitdaging': Bert Boland bezocht The Synagogue Chruch 
Bert Boland uit Hazerswoude-Dorp bezocht onlangs The Synagogue, Church of All Nations, in de Nigeriaanse hoofdstad Lagos. Het is de kerk van T.B. Joshua, de man die door aanhangers een profeet wordt genoemd, maar die ook veel tegenstanders heeft en bij hen weerstand oproept. Boland schreef, op verzoek van Uitdaging, een persoonlijk verslag over zijn reis, dat we bijgaand publiceren.
  Lees verder...

Jan. 17 2005 - Daily Champion - Interview with Pastor Chris Oyakhilome 
My relationship with T. B. Joshua

The name Pastor Chris is synonymous with miracles. Why the emphasis on miracles? 
I do not lay emphasis on miracles. There are people who say that I preach miracles, but I do not preach miracles. The truth is that, when Jesus came, He did not lay emphasis on miracles, but more than two-third of his ministry was on healing the sick. Why? Not because he preached healing, but he came to heal.
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Jan. 2005 - The website of  Pastor Chris Oyakhilome 
with the complete interview


Dec 2004 The Remnant News 2004 - Jerrill Miller
CAPE TOWN, SO. AFRICA -- It was the first time that Prophet T. B. Joshua had traveled to The Republic of South Africa. He was there to dedicate the new Synagogue Church of All Nations branch for South Africa. The church is located in the warehouse industrial district of Brackenfell north of Cape Town.

Dec/nov 2004 The Remnant News 2004 - Jerrill Miller
The vision of the Synagogue Church of All Nations will be enlarged. Editor Jerrell Miller will meet with Prophet T. B. Joshua after he returns from a church in revival at Cape Town, South Africa. The South African Synagogue Church of All Nations is in full revival and the numbers are growing rapidly. Today the Synagogue Church can be found in several parts of the world. God is blessing this man of God and has built him through persecution. T. B. Joshua has found and answer to his critics and that is growth.

Aug 13, 2004 - News24.com Pastoor Kobus van Rensburg
Pastoor Kobus van Rensburg, volgens baie mense Suid-Afrika se antwoord op die Nigeriese geloofsgeneser T.B. Joshua, is móéilik...
En die sowat 125 000 mense wat jaarliks na sy dienste stroom, steur hulle blykbaar nóg minder daaraan. "Dit maak nie saak wat ander mense sê nie," sê hy. "Ek is net God se dienskneg en doen uitsluitlik wat Hy vir my sê om te doen." Tog moes hy eers in Januarie 2000 in Nigierië by "profeet Joshua" gaan verneem dat God hom gekies het om wonderwerke te doen. Sedertdien word Van Rensburg en sy kerk, wat al 17 jaar gelede met net vier mense in 'n tent ontstaan het, oorval deur mense op soek na wonderwerke.

Aug. 10 2004 - The Remnant - Jerrell Miller: Suberskie speaks out for T. B. Joshua or cache
AUCKLAND, NEW ZEALAND -- We, as an independent organization devoted to the study of the doctrine, mode of worship, preaching, teaching and practice of religious bodies and Church organizations in Nigeria have focused our attention to the recent unwarranted attack and allegations against Pastor T. B. Joshua of The Synagogue Church of all Nations and Pastor Chris Oyakhilome of the Love World Assembly a.k.a Christ Embassy as published recently in various magazines and newspapers among which are Encomium Magazine, Treasure Magazine, This Day Newspaper and City People Magazine and lately, your magazine Charisma and Christian Life.

July 16, 2004 - The Nigeria News Now: Pastor T.B. Joshua is now Nigeria's richest pastor
By Ayo Ayintele in Nigeria News Now
If there is one pastor in Nigeria today that has built a solid empire for himself, surely, it is Pastor T.B. Joshua, the miracle cleric and senior pastor who is the General Overseer of Synagogue Church of All Nations, Ikotun Egbe, Lagos. Through a wide range of controversies that has trailed his ministry from its inception and more so in recent years, somehow, he appears unshaken in his resolve to build for himself one of the biggest and richest churches in Nigeria today.

July 2004 - The Remnant - Jerrell Miller
 -    Miracle of a baby born in the service

July 2004 - The Remnant - Jerrell Miller
 -    Profetic destiny witnessed by parents

April 2004 - The Remnant - Jerrell Miller
Jerrell Miller over een bevooroordeeld (Amerikaans) Charisma:
The following are true events that really happened. Accusations by Charisma Magazine are proving to be false about the Nigerian Prophet T. B. Joshua. In the last three years, Charisma has libeled the Nigerian prophet on three different occasions -- prejudice is beginning to surface in these stories against this powerful black church leader in Nigeria. Rival church leaders in Lagos, have written for Charisma, and Editor Lee Grady only spent 30 minutes at the church and wrote a hearsay article about the Nigerian Leader. Editor Jerrell Miller has spent more than 21 days in two years and has witnessed the powerful healing virture in the Nigerian leader. At the very time Charisma Editor Lee Grady visited the church, Editor Jerrell Miller had just been there and witnessed the amazing healing of a Zulu Princess. [...]
I wrote about a healing that I witnessed and was verified by doctors back in South Africa, Charisma went home and wrote hearsay about a man of God who is black. Could this be happening because a black man of God begins to have a move of God and stands up on his own two feet without living on the crumbs of tokenism from the white community. For three years we have watched this man of God in Lagos and he is being dumped on by those who feel as if they are the authority in these matters, we used to call them the fruit inspectors of the faith. Charisma has put their hands on an effective minister and has brought accusations and falsehoods against an individual that are untruths.
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april 2004 De Nederlandse Synagogue website: TheSynagogue.nl
Stichting The Synagogue, Church of all Nations, afdeling Nederland heeft als doel om God en mensen bij elkaar te brengen door o.a.: 
het organiseren van The Synagogue Fellowship bijeenkomsten 
het organiseren van reizen naar The Synagogue in Lagos, Nigeria 
het verkopen van mediaproducten, zoals video’s, DVD’s, bladen en periodieke uitgaven 
het initiëren, organiseren en begeleiden van alle daarmee samenhangende aktiviteiten.

maart 2004 Charismatisch Werkverband Nederland
Een overweldigende ervaring in Lagos, Nigeria.
Ik zag een man die bereid is de weg van het evangelie te gaan.
Een ander aspect wat mij opviel was de nadruk op het schenken van vergeving.
Margreet Ullersma reisde begin oktober vorig jaar naar de ‘Church of all Nations’ van de profeet T.B. Joshua in Nigeria. Het werd voor haar een bijzondere, persoonlijke ervaring, waar bijna geen woorden voor te vinden zijn. Sinds dat bezoek begon voor haar een leven zonder migraine. Hieronder doet Margreet, geen onbekende binnen de CWN en de werkgroep In Christus Heel, haar verhaal.

Februar 2004 De Engelse Synagogue website:
    The Synagogue Church Visits and Videos
Find out more about the wonderful works of Jesus Christ in The Synagogue, Church of all Nations in Lagos Nigeria through Prophet TB Joshua
"Never a problem Jesus cannot solve" 
"Never a healer like Jesus"
"Never a friend like Jesus"
"Christ believed is salvation received"
    Prophet TB Joshua

Februar 2004 The Observer Sport News 8 Febr 2004 - Triumph and Despair
When serious injury threatened to end his rugby career, the tough Afrikaner, Jaco van der Westhuyzen, turned to the only man who could save him: a Nigerian faith healer. Sure, I believe in miracles. I've seen them with my own eyes. From an early age I was very religious. Both my parents were Dutch Reformed Christians.
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januari 2004 De Vara reisde mee naar Nigeria
Het ND schreef: Hoewel Van Erp geen christen is, heeft hij zijn best gedaan het fenomeen Joshua zo objectief mogelijk in beeld te brengen. Of hem dat is gelukt, blijft de vraag voor ieder die niet zelf in Nigeria is geweest om het met eigen ogen te zien.


Boek van Van der Ven geeft onjuist beeld:

december 2003 Advertentie in Charisma tegen Van der Ven's boek
De advertentie zoals deze in december 2003 geplaatst werd in Charisma n.a.v. het boek 'Dossier T.B. Joshua' van drs. R. van der Ven

december 2003 ND: Sympathisanten nemen het op voor T.B. Joshua
NIEUWEGEIN - Ruim 120 christenen nemen in een advertentie in het blad Charisma stelling tegen kritiek op de genezingsbediening van Nigeriaan T.B. Joshua. Ze keren zich tegen het boek Dossier T.B. Joshua van drs. R. van der Ven.

november 2003 - Henk Medema: Zo kan het niet!  Tip
 - Boekrecensies over "Dossier T.B. Joshua", o.a. door Mr. H.P. Medema - Beoordeling, onderscheiden wat goed en verkeerd is, is niet alleen een christelijke deugd, maar een noodzaak. Het is iets dat wij eenvoudig moeten doen: alle dingen te toetsen en het goede te behouden. Maar in het boek van drs. Van der Ven, Dossier T.B. Joshua, heeft deze iets gedaan dat volstrekt niet betaamt.
 - Ds. W. Smouter schrijft: Maar het grootste nadeel aan dit en soortgelijke boeken vind ik dat het zo ontzettend hoog opgespeeld wordt. Het gaat meteen over de vraag of Joshua profeet van God of van de duivel is.

2003 Miracle Video's
About T.B. Joshua - If you want to read some lies about this man, just read what some people who have never been to his church write on the internet. My pastor has been there and found it is for real. Critics who pass on the slander of jealous ministers should consider if what they do is pleasing to God. Even these critics cannot deny that there is real power there.

November 2003 - The Remnant / Jerrell Miller
his is the actual healing of the Zulu Princess
MOBILE, AL -- We are late this month because of what happened in Lagos, Nigeria. It is our 10th year of publishing -- the picture above is the actual picture that was taken when Princess Sibusile of the Zulu Nation was healed on August 20, 2003. This healing brought the Zulu King to Lagos, Nigeria on November 15 of this year we wanted you to see it and realize what this means. The Zulu are the largest tribal group in Africa. This healing could affect the salvation of a nation. We rejoice with Prophet T.B. Joshua in the healing of this child of God. The full story is listed below. We know God will use this to win the Nation of South Africa, "Not by might nor power but by my Spirit saith the Lord." 
Editor Jerrell Miller
Remnant International Editor
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November 2003 - The Remnant / Jerrell Miller
 - King of the Zulus

August 2003 - The Remnant / Jerrell Miller
LAGOS, NIGERIA — Getting up at 4 AM on Sunday morning, the women walk down to the church. First spraying water to hold the dust down, then bending over using old straw brooms, these women sweep the walkways and entryways of the church in preparation for the day. They are preparing for the prophet to preach the Word of God and pray for the sick.
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August 2003 - The Remnant / Jerrell Miller
 - The building of a great church

August 2003 - The Remnant / Jerrell Miller
 - Disciples of the profet...

May 2003 The Remnant / Jerrell Miller
This time The Remnant visited The Synagogue Church in Nigeria the healing testimony of three individuals were brought to the attention of Editor Jerrell Miller. The three healings at the church were verified medical healings. Each healing was unique in its own way. 
The first was a women with heart dysfunction, the second one was a man and a women who could not have a baby and the third was a women from Holland who was disabled in a wheelchair.
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Febr. 2003 In Defense of T.B. Joshua - Charisma Magazine places 2 letters
Your recent report on Nigerian minister T.B. Joshua was unfair (People & Events, November). Joshua is a humble man. He lives in a little house with his wife and two children and drives a 1982 car. His teachings are anointed, scriptural and awesome. The presence of God is unparalleled in his meetings. When he prays, he claims Jesus alone is the healer.
In July 2002 there were also two letters in defense of T.B. Joshua in Charisma Magazine )
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January 30, 2003 Bill Subritzky replies to Truth Watch Open Letter...
Chris Magill clearly accused T.B. Joshua of practicing the occult. You repeat this statement concerning the occult in your letter. In his ministry Joshua continually casts out demons in the name of Jesus Christ. The evidence of this can be clearly seen on the videos. As Jesus said in Mark 3:23 “How can satan cast out satan?”. By naming Joshua as an occultist you are saying that he casts out demons by satan. It is significant that in both Matthew 12:31-32 and Mark 3:28-30 after referring to the work of the Holy Spirit in casting out demons Jesus then refers to blaspheming against the spirit i.e. attributing to satan the work of the Holy Spirit. Hence my comment.

January 14, 2003 - 50 Most Powerful Pastors...
Divinely gifted in many ways, they are Nigeria ’s best and most sought-after preachers in the task of saving souls and fighting demonic forces 
By Bideh Williams 
     Another man of God who has continued to hold sway in the miracle arena is Pastor Temitope Joshua, founder of the Synagogue Church of All Nations, Ikotun Egbe, Lagos . His miracle programmes which is aired on television stations have continued to elicit reactions from church leaders and the public. Particularly, his genuflection of the hand during every miracle healing process has been widely described as reflection of occultic leanings. 
     Scathing as the criticisms are, he has remained unperturbed and has continued to dazzle the public with his feats. Located at Ejigbo, the Synagogue has turned out to be Mecca of a sort for miracle seekers. Among them are Europeans and Americans, who flock to his ministry for miracles. It was this same curiosity that compelled President Chiluba of Zambia to visit the Synagogue in 1999. 
     On June 19, this year, Paul Dhanakran, an Indian but internationally acclaimed evangelist and mentor to world pentecostal leaders such as Pat Robertson, Oral Roberts and Benny Hinn, visited the Synagogue to receive healing for an intractable ailment that defied any cure. Barely four days after, Dhanakran left the Synagogue a new man. He had not been able to walk in the last five years. Joshua has in store, films of his healing powers. One of the films shows that he had also raised a man from the dead. He also claims to heal people of AIDS, cancer and other deadly diseases.


Een Zuid-Afrikaan over T.B. Joshua:

December 2002 Rothmann Complete Report
Jesus said that we would do even greater things than Him. Is it possible in this time and age we are living in? Yes! God has raised a man to perform miracles and wonders in His Name. Here you will find some information about prophet T.B. Joshua from The Synagogue, Church of All Nations in Lagos, Nigeria.

During our visit we have seen how more than 50 people were cured from the dreadful disease of HIV positive/AIDS. This is a reality and not a hoax! Because of the controversy nature of the disease, people that come for prayer must have a valid medical certificate less than 2 months old stating their HIV positive status. And they were all healed! 

December 2002 Quotations from the book "Pastor W.F. Kumuyi and Prophet T.B. Joshua: Are both messengers of God?" by Isaac B.Agbaje and Abieye Kalu
Why he doesn’t criticize other men of God?
"Despite the fact that many fellow ministers of God daily blaspheme against me, I refrain from retaliating, because I know the grave consequences of criticizing an anointed man of God.

CV-Koers - Themanummer over Genezing:

december 2002 CV-Koers: Joshua
Net als talloze Nederlandse christenen reisden Kees en Mark afgelopen zomer naar 'de profeet' T.B. Joshua in Nigeria. Beiden waren nieuwsgierig naar de opwekking, maar Mark ging toch vooral voor genezing van zijn diabetes. T.B. Joshua bad voor hem en verklaarde hem genezen. Dus besloot Mark geen insuline meer te spuiten. Bij terugkeer in Nederland was hij meer dood dan levend.

december 2002 CV-Koers: TJ de Ruiter
De kritiek verstomt. Maar predikt deze Nigeriaanse voorganger, die profeet genoemd wil worden, de'gezonde leer'? Pinksterpredikant J. de Ruiter - zelf thuis in charismatische prediking en de bediening van genezing - toetste preken en andere publicaties van Joshua aan de Bijbel en stuitte op ernstige dwalingen en onjuistheden.

Dove Ministries - Getuigenissen van Bill Subritzky:

November 2002 Doveministries - My experience
My Experience - by Dagñea Teshome - Los Angeles, California - November 2002 - I first came to know about The Synagogue, Church of all Nations & Prophet T.B. Joshua by viewing one of the videotape documentations of miracles at The Synagogue...
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November 2002 Doveministries - Miracles in Nigeria
A team of three senior pastors and four evangelists from Auckland, New Zealand has visited the Church of the Synagogue of All Nations, Nigeria. They were able to verify the ministry of T.B. Joshua as a man of God, preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ, repentance and the need for a holy walk before God.
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August 2002 www.doveministries.com
Professor Ouweneel holds doctorates in biology (Utrecht), philosophy (Amsterdam) and theology (Bloemfontein, RSA). He is currently a theology and philosophy professor at several colleges and theological faculties. He is the author of over 100 books. He lives in the Netherlands, where he was born. "I come from a Brethren background and not a charismatic background. So naturally I was a bit reluctant to go to Nigeria..."
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August 2002 Doveministries Bill Subritzky visited T.B. Joshua
Why I went? Having watched many miraculous healings on videos from the Church of the Synagogue, Nigeria a group of three New Zealand pastors and four evangelists including myself went to the Church of the Synagogue, Nigeria and lived there for nine days and nights. We wanted to satisfy ourselves that T.B. Joshua is a man of God and miracles were in fact taking place.
 What we saw? Blind eyes opened, cripples walking and dozens of testimonies from people who had been healed of HIV and other diseases.
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Nederlandse getuigenissen over T.B. Joshua:

november 2002 ND: Genezingen in Nigeria
Genezingen in Nigeria, door Wim Houtman - Is Jan Westerhof uit Doetinchem - binnen twee seconden, zegt hijzelf - genezen van zijn MS? Dat lijkt me buiten kijf, gezien de televisiebeelden eergisteravond van zijn hernieuwde bezoek aan T.B. Joshua in Nigeria.

november 2002 Genezer van God of Satan
EO-website - ‘Genezen van MS’. Onder die titel zond de EO onlangs een reportage uit over de genezingsbediening van T.B. Joshua uit Nigeria. Op deze en andere sites (o.a. www.msweb.nl) is de discussie losgebrand. Is Joshua een werktuig van God? Of is zijn werk te kwalificeren als van de satan?

oktober 2002 Visie: De EO bezoekt TB Joshua
Voor een reportage vlogen ook twee programmamakers van 't Zal je maar gebeuren naar het Afrikaanse Land. 

oktober 2002 Genezing Westerhof ( NB: Deze link is de video van de EO-uitzending )
Ook Jan Westerhof stond na een gebed op uit zijn rolstoel en claimt vanaf dat moment genezen te zijn. Zijn behandelend arts staat voor een raadsel. MS is immers een ongeneeslijke ziekte. 't Zal je maar gebeuren volgt Jan Westerhof als hij een jaar na zijn genezing teruggaat naar Nigeria. Hij vertrekt vanaf Schiphol samen met vijf andere Nederlanders die ook de wonderen willen zien die in de opmerkelijke kerk van pastor Joshua gebeuren.

juli 2002 Bode des heils: Bijbelstudie W.J. Ouweneel
Ziekten & demonen, een bijbelstudie door Willem J. Ouweneel - Ziektemachten, wat zijn dat en wat doe je eraan? Tijdens mijn verblijf in Lagos (Nigeria), in de kerk van pastor T.B. Joshua, zag ik bij vele zieken die genezen werden, dat zij begonnen te spugen (geen maaginhoud, maar slijm en bloed) en ook vaak verschijnselen van bezetenen vertoonden. Daardoor leek hun genezing meer op een demonenuitdrijving

juni 2002 Tjerk W. Muller: een beoordeling
Hoe beoordeelt men het verschijnsel T.B. Joshua? Een objectieve beoordeling.

juni 2002 Charisma vroeg het na
De vragen die we T. B. Joshua stelden vonden we soms zeer gênant, voor ons en voor hem, maar we willen verhalen die rondgaan toetsen op hun waarheidsgehalte.

mei 2002 Charisma: Wim van den Berg
In Charisma  schrijft Wim van den Berg over de "Heerlijkheid in Nigeria". Op bezoek bij profeet T. B. Joshua. In Zottegem (België) begon het bij het voorgangersechtpaar Van de Branden. Zij waren net terug van een reis naar Nigeria en hadden daar de heerlijkheid van God gezien. Stralend gaven ze hun verslag. "Immanuel!" riepen ze steeds. De vrouw van de voorganger vertelde van haar genezing. Er was echt wat met hen gebeurd.

april 2002 Opvallende profeet
Het Nederlands dagblad schreef: Op het religieuze erf dient zich een nieuw fenomeen aan: de 'profeet' T.B. Joshua in de Nigeriaanse hoofdstad Lagos. Spectaculaire verhalen over wonderbare genezingen doen de ronde, ook in Nederland.

april 2002 Visie: Prof. Ouweneel bezocht gemeente T.B.Joshua
EO-Visie schreef: Prof. dr. W.J. Ouweneel, wetenschapper, theoloog en vooral bekend om zijn publicaties over occultisme en parapsychologie (Het domein van de slang) had ook zo zijn vragen bij Joshua.

april 2002 Verslag van een reis van W.J. Ouweneel naar Lagos
Ouweneel: Gelukkig zijn de meeste bezoekers van the Synagogue Church in een andere geest teruggekeerd: vol lofprijzing naar God over de opwekking die Hij in Lagos geeft. Ik bid dat een dergelijke opwekking ook over ons land zal komen.

maart 2002 Charisma: Kort verslag van een verblijf in Nigeria
Hierbij willen wij graag een kort verslag geven van ons verblijf in de gemeente van T.B. Joshua in Lagos, Nigeria. Wij waren daar van 27 febr. tot 6 mrt. 02. We hebben een zeer gezegende week gehad, het voelde aan alsof je 7 dagen in de aanwezigheid van God verkeerde, we hebben veel van God ervaren, zowel in de onderlinge liefde van de mensen daar naar ons toe, als wel in het hele 'programma' wat er was om bij te wonen.

maart 2002 In EO-Visie: een ooggetuigeverslag van Brisson
Gianni Brisson schreef in de EO-Visie: Dat sommige gebeurtenissen bizar of shockerend overkomen, is echter ook een feit. Maar zo kennen we Jezus dan weer. Hij maakte met speeksel een modderbrij om op de ogen van de blinde te doen en hem te genezen.

Februar 2002 Miracles Happening
We visited a large church here where many wonderful miracles are happening - people being cured of cancers and HIV, the blind seeing, the deaf hearing - we saw this in person - indeed one of our own group was healed of deafness in both ears.

Januari 2002 - Reisverslag...
Synagogue Church Of all Nations
Rated by minky on 1/21/2002
Miracles Still Happen 
It's a privilege to visit the Synagogue Church of all Nations and to witness the amazing healing power of God in this place through the senior prophet T. B. Joshua. As more and more people visit and testify to their experiences here it will be known throughtout the world. The church made headline news in S. Africa when a young professional rugby player Jacob Westhuyzen was healed of a cruiciate ligament injury which had blighted his career. The Nigerian footballer Daniel Owofen Amokachi (ex-Everton player too in English premier league) has also been helaed and their testimonies can be seen on the Synagogue`s website. 
Doctors may have no cure or vaccination for AIDS but I have witnessed the solution to this terrible problem which is rife in Africa. HIV sufferers can come to the Synagogue Church of all Nations complete with their hospital certificates confirming their antibody status. They receive a prayer from an annointed Man of God, T.B. Joshua and are cured - that's right, a divine healing. The people return to their hospital and are re-tested, amazing the doctors when they discover they are now antibody negative. It is stressed that God is the healer, not the man, and that it is free of charge. Just writing about seeing this does not do it justice - you have to be there to really appreciate the everyday miracles occuring in this large church with congregation of 50,000- 70,000. 


August 2001 Jerrell Miller observed T.B. Joshua
By Jerrell Miller/Remnant Editor - It was a first for both the Synagogue Church and me. I was the first reporter from the United States to sit in on a service and observe Prophet T.B. Joshua as he ministered to his church and to the people who had come to be healed. It would be an all day affair, yet it was so interesting it seemed as if it was over too soon. 
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Charisma: Kanu en de profeet T.B. Joshua
Kanu en profeet J. B. Joshua - Charisma
Kanu is een wereldberoemd voetballer, o.a. bij Ajax, en staat bekend als een gelovig mens.
Het volgende citaat komt van zijn website....


www.carteblanche.mnet.co.za - The Prophet
Date   : 03 September 2000
Genre : Africa, Religion and Beliefs, Medical and Health
Dennis: "I have seen the blind see, the deaf hear, the lame walk. I saw cancer patients healed."
Irene   : "It doesn’t matter how severe the problem is. It’s God’s power working through TB Joshua."
Bernie : "Never in my life have I heard of this sort of thing or seen this sort of thing happening."

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